The Invitation
The Mission
The Post Evangelical Collective exists to connect, cultivate, and resource post evangelical churches.
Shared Values
We are committed to being rooted in and formed by the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Like the very first Christians who were called “followers of The Way,” we seek to model our lives and ministries after the work of Jesus.
We believe that every person is made in the image of God and are committed to having no restrictions in membership, leadership, sacrament, or anything else based on sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
We believe the way of Jesus should lead to both spiritual and social freedom for all people. Holistic justice is the pursuit of liberation in our selves, church communities, cities, and the world.
We value digging deeply into Scripture while learning widely from various traditions, interpretations, and practices.
We strive to lead with grace in every circumstance, especially within disagreement or conflict.
The Vision
We are church leaders, artists, and other stakeholders who find ourselves estranged from the dominant expressions of American Christianity.
We feel homeless in the larger church landscape because:
While Evangelicalism is the theological and cultural tradition that formed many of us, and while we’re grateful for the gifts that we received from that lineage, we find its boundaries too narrow for our experience of God and its politics corrupted by an un-Christlike vision
We believe that every person is made in the image of Christ and have found that calling forth each person’s inherent worth has led to our own loss of belonging
We seek a more just and inclusive expression of faith, but we reject the temptation to trade one exclusionary stance for another in the effort to address the need for justice and inclusion
We see the Spirit moving through new ideas and theological and liturgical visions, but we also embrace the depth and breadth of historical faith and worship
We believe that art and beauty are essential for vibrant spiritual community, but have also seen how highly performative expressions of church can inadvertently diminish the space for authenticity, humanity, imperfection, and honesty and distract from the attention we pay to the fruit of the Spirit growing in the lives of everyday people who follow Jesus together
We believe in the importance of deconstruction, but we also believe in rebuilding faith as followers of Jesus, and we’re excited about inviting others into this way of life
We don’t just want to take our cue from national church trends; we take our cue from our local contexts. We believe our churches should look and sound and taste more like the neighborhoods they serve than the latest church trends emerging from high profile places.
We don’t want to make this journey alone, and we don’t think we have to. But we don’t have an organized way of finding one another, encouraging each other, exchanging ideas and building together. This effort is meant to change that.